Tauranga Lawn Tennis Club -- Multi Use Arena
There is a proposal from Tauranga City Council to build a multi-use arena (MUA) in Tauranga Domain over the area of the athletics track, croquet club and bowling club. These clubs are being moved away from the domain. The budget is estimated to be $185 million. The capacity is 12000 people.
The MUA plans are currently in draft and any consultation with TCC over the final look and feel of the MUA is very difficult. The committee discussed the MUA concept earlier this year and the consensus was that TLTC did not object to an MUA in Tauranga but wished to see the green space of Tauranga Domain retained for future generations. The City Plan is more people through intensification and high-rise accommodation around the centre of Tauranga. The domain is the only place where community sports can be played in the future.
Recently more information was given to TLTC. There will be a large impact on TLTC as we know it. Courts 4 and 10 will be removed to allow for a road on the western edge of the park. The two courts will be moved to somewhere on the croquet area. There will be a stadium wall and road on the northern boundary of the courts. Any view towards the Mount is gone.
TLTC will have no exclusive parking provided; whenever an event is on, there will be no parking for club members. Events are not just on weekends, there is an exhibition area attached to the MUA which will be utilised all the time. As an example, TCC bought land to provide Otumoetai Tennis Club with parking.
The MUA project does not provide any additional public carparking. Last week the council announced that the Strand carparking area is to be grassed over with the loss of all the carparks. Parking for any event will be difficult and TLTC members will be caught in this. All of this may impact very negatively on our club membership.
The council has asked TLTC what we want if the MUA is built. At minimum we need 50 exclusive carparks provided under TLTC control. Before we reply, it is a good time to ask club members their views.
Philip Brown President
Tauranga Lawn Tennis Club Member Survey —- Multi Use Arena Proposal